Well… Yee Ha! We made it to Ft. Worth and we\’re seeing all kinds of cowboys and cowgirls. Today I took pictures of some of the rotation rooms… I forgot my camera so these are from the iPhone, a bit blurry, but you\’ll be able to get a good idea of some of the decorations for Saddle Ridge Ranch.
This is my teaching room (3rd & 4th grade Bunkhouse). I googled "cardboard fireplaces" and found the directions for this idea.
This is another version of the "bunkhouse" that I helped Mary Ann Bradberry create for the Preteen training conference.
Millie Burkett (NW Baptist Convention) has done a wonderful job creating a Mission’s Cavern… I loved what she did witht he cavern "walls."
..and here’s the Music "Campfire Creek."
Bottome Line: Decorating for VBS is an important part of creating an exciting environment for Kids to learn about Jesus.
What are your best Saddle Ridge Ranch decorating ideas? Share them with us here or at Lifeway;s VBS community.
Thanks, Bill. I was in your base session for middle children’s Bible Study in Ft. Worth. I gained valuable information that will help me as I lead state conferences for Mississippi. Thanks for making the learning experience so much fun!
WOW!!!!!!!! Great photos…….looking forward to going Nashville next week for the Lifeway workshop………….home church:
First Baptisit, Florence, AL
Hope: so glad the training in Ft Worth was helpful. Please let me know if there’s anything else I can do to help you equip the folks in Mississippi.
Joyce: Can’t wait to see you in Nashville.
That was a great conference!!!!! I also took pictures and have posted them on kodak gallery – here’s the link.
Thanks for sharing your pictures! They’re great!