I found myself at CentriKID camp again this week. Back to Shocco Springs, AL where I had the privilege of sharing with the adult campers on a topic near and dear to my heart, “Leading a Child to Christ.” Regardless of where I go, who I talk to, what they’re circumstances are… folks really desire to know more about children and salvation. I always enjoy sharing my experiences and thoughts on that “most important” topic.
This summer, when visiting CentriKID, I’ve arrived on Monday afternoons (day 1 of camp). My goal for that afternoon/evening is to encourage the camp staff, meet some of the church leaders, and enjoy the opening ceremonies and fun of day 1. Tuesday morning I try to do more of the same before I lead my session.
This week while standing in the back, I watched the fun begin. The kids were pushing at the doors to get into the chapel. They were so excited to run down the aisle to get as close as possible to the “action” of CentriKID! I watched the staffers give “high fives” as the kids entered the room. They would jump around, clap to the music, and genuinely create excitement as the kids swarmed in. It really is amazing to watch. (I’m thankful for youthful energy and remember those days fondly! )
While watching this production un-fold I turned around to see four dedicated staffers… They were literally in the back, orchestrating this organized chaos. These four were “behind the scene” with head-phones on, moving buttons, streaming videos, adjusting volumes, making sure everything was just right to create the perfect environment of excitement and anticipation for what was going to be an awesome week of camp.
I’ve thought about this a lot since Monday night. These committed and dedicated staffers have reminded me of folks like them in our day to day Kids Ministries. Workers who may not be up front; who may not teach each week; who may not receive a lot of credit when it’s all said and done… but folks without whom we’d be sunk!
I want to challenge you this week to take the time to identify people in your ministry who seldom receive accolades. I challenge you to identify staff and volunteers who really make a difference, yet seldom receive recognition. Identify your “behind the scenes” folks and let them know just how much you appreciate what they do. Let them know how valuable they are to the Kids Ministry in your church.
Bottom Line: Without people who are willing to work “behind the scenes,” Kids Ministry would not get done.
I’m thankful for “behind the sceners” in my life. For administrative assistants, department assistants, and department interns who are the real “worker bees” here at Lifeway. God has blessed us with some of the best… thank you Kimberly, Laura, and Eric! You friends are AWESOME!
So true! Thanks for the reminder.
cindy smith
Going to thank my behind the scene people often thanks for this! 🙂