Hey there! Klista here. I\’m so excited to be a part of the new blog team! Bill was right – I do like to ask a lot of questions but I don\’t mind hearing a lot of opinions! I’ve been known to make mine known every now and then, so don\’t be afraid to tell me yours. That being said…let’s get this party started!
When I was a kid, at Halloween my church had a haunted house, complete with a coffin (body inside of course), dark hallways and stairs with people jumping out at you, jack-o\’lanterns, and a bowl of cold spaghetti to look and feel like worms. Add some peeled grapes for eyeballs and you\’ve got yourself a party! Fun? Tons! Traumatic? Maybe — but I survived and can even sleep in a dark room at night! Now, those were the good ol\’ days!
From a simple "Trunk or Treat" in the parking lot to a full-blown party with bounce houses, most churches celebrate fall in some way or another – and usually on or around October 31. Many refer to their party as a safe alternative to Halloween. However, some feel that to do any type of gathering on this dark and scary night is just masking (pun intended) a celebration of Halloween.
To party – or not to party? That is the question! Let me know your opinion!
(By the way, if you are "pro-party" tune in tomorrow when my friend Scott Wiley will share some fun ideas to help your Fall Festival be a success!)
Looking forward to hearing from you! See you next time!
I think it is nice to have some place to go and have a party or games and events for kids to do other than to go trick or treating. I am all for it! Thanks for asking.