I am so honored to be able to lead a fantastic team of editors, graphic designers, and writers who have hearts for ministering to preteens. I wanted to take some time to introduce you to the incredibly talented group of people I get to work with.
- Cheryl Lewis is our veteran team member, being the team member who has served at Lifeway the longest. She is passionate about preteens and teaches them weekly at her church.
- Alyssa Reeves is our newest team member and has been on the team for a little over a year. She is fast, efficient, and almost always right. She also conducts all of our artist interviews for Bible Express.
- Jessica Burnett is graphic designer for BTX: Bible Teaching Experience for Preteens. She has an incredible sense of style. I\’m always amazed to see what she designs. She can take a simple concept and turn it into beautiful art.
- Andy Scates is graphic designer for Bible Express. He’s got a clean design aesthetic, but also has a great eye for color. I love seeing the page spreads he designs for the magazine. He’s really good at taking a couple of suggestions and turning them into phenomenal graphics.
Our entire team is joining forces to create an amazing new curriculum that will be released in Fall 2011. The new line will replace Everything You Need to Know to Be a Teenager and will have two years worth of exciting curriculum. You\’ll definitely be hearing more about that from me.
A couple of weeks ago, our team (minus Cheryl, who was unfortunately out of the office for surgery) got together to make a video about what it’s like being on the preteen team. I hope you enjoy a comical look into what we do!
Preteen Welcome Video from Jeff Land on Vimeo.
As you can see, we get to have a lot of fun together as a team. In all honesty, we really do try to keep up with what is making preteens tick. We browse Web sites, watch television shows aimed at preteens, and read magazines created for preteens. Our desire is that preteens would have a firm foundation in Christ as a result of being involved in a vibrant ministry to preteens. We’re hopeful that our resources make teaching preteens even more fun!
Now for a little giveaway, leave a comment with 3 words describing preteens and you will be entered to win a Bible Express Prize Pack including a Bible Express t-shirt, CD, and several copies of Bible Express devotional magazine. All entries must be received before midnight on Friday, October 22, so be sure to enter soon.
THIS POST HAS BEEN HI-JACKED BY BECKY IN ORDER TO EXTEND THE BIBLE EXPRESS PRIZE PACKAGE GIVEAWAY!!! Our comments have not been working correctly, so we are extending this giveaway! All entries must be received before midnight on Halloween night (Sunday, October 31st) to be eligible to win!!! A winner will be chosen at random from the comments on this blog post.
Crazy, Fun, Confused….
I think everyone is doing a FANTASTIC JOB! Keep up the GREAT Work! ~ God Bless!
Hope your comments section is working well now! My motto for VBS decorating – if it’s free, it’s for me – feel free to apply that to anything you wish. =)
emotional, unpredictable, and imaginative
I think it is great, keep up the good work.
Testing comments.
emotional, unpredictable, imaginative
Unpredictable, awesome, eager!
depends on surroundings
Challenging, funny, spontaneous
Energetic, Loving, Independent
Keeping preteen (not to mention teen) curricula current, fresh, and engaging is a must for ministries. I have two older teens and an eleven year old. I am blessed that the eleven year old is a “Leave It to Beaver” sort of kid and is not phased by his peers as of yet. However, I have had a difficult time with his seventeen year old sister and fifteen year old brother. Both were passionate in Sunday school until their middle school years. The curricula was not that engaging. They were too young for the high school studies and too old for the elementary school studies. Some topics that we adults think they are too young to explore (sex, drugs, etc.) are already being discussed by the time they are in 6th grade. As spiritual leaders and parents, we cannot be afraid to tackle these issues in a Biblical light. Telling them to just say no does not work when they see their friends experimenting with un-Godly behavior with no apparent consequence. Bravo for embracing technology and creating studies for this age group!
Unpredictable, crazy, eager
Hope you get the bugs worked out.
Energetic, Goofball, Friendly
Bombarded, Searching, Loved.
Energetic, Goofball, Friendly
lovable, emotional, silly
Looks like a very cool and exciting sight! Looks like it is lots of fun!
This is a pretty awesome site! Enjoy the ideas and encouragement!
Our church’s future!
Crazy (I totally agree, Bill!), Surprising, Dramatic
Loveable, smart, wonderful!!!
Energetic, confused, goffy
exciting, scared, hopeful
mature, immature, fun
Changing, Teen “Wannabes,” Fun
energetic, forgiving, and impressionable!
Groovy, Man! No, wait….
Cool, Dude! No, wait….
Awesome! No, that’s not it….
Su-Weet!! Oh Yeah, Baby!
Su-Weet!! Yeah, Baby!!
Testing comments – invited from Facebook.
Open – Questioning – Listening
Seekers, engaged, impatient
sweet, prissy, silly
Fun, smart, dedicated
Seeking, Open, Dynamic
3 words describing preteens, mmmmm,
energetic, exciting, imaginative
Commenting to check your site. I’d love to win, too. I just like free stuff. 🙂
i enjoy reading the blogs.
looks good
just checking the site ! – love it
relational- meeting them where they are and accepting them how they walk through the door, in the midst of their shock and awe
moody, questioning, fun
Curious about themselves
Dramatically imitators
Carelessly learners but objectionable