This time of year, you can always count on this question coming up. Whether you’re asked by brand new parents just starting family Christmas traditions or veteran parents who\’ve just never felt quite right about that "little white lie," it’s really a serious question. And then there’s the whole other issue of Santa coming to church!
Once again, I can go back to my childhood and remember Santa making an appearance in the Fellowship Hall of our small church. He was always a part of our Christmas celebrations and right or wrong, I loved it! Times have changed. Just recently I heard of a small boy who was scared to go to sleep during the Christmas season because of this stranger who was going to be breaking in to his house during the middle of the night! What parent wouldn\’t feel horrible knowing they had frightened their poor child to the point that he couldn\’t sleep during the whole month of December?
We can all agree that St. Nicholas was indeed a real person and that he was known for giving gifts. But, above all else, we all know that our priority is to ensure that the children in our ministry (and our homes) hear and know about the birth of Christ and the real meaning of Christmas.
The burning question…is there a place for Santa Claus in a Christian celebration of Christmas? What’s your opinion?
Mark Driscoll address this issue very well in an article written for the Washington Post. I think it’s worth reading:
No. A man dressed up pretending to be Santa does not have a place in a church setting.