Today I get to blog about one of my favorite things, gross Bible stories. I love the fact that while God was inspiring His holy word, He didn\’t leave out the slimy stuff! I’ve always been attracted to things of the "grosser" nature. It’s possible that it is because my dad is a mortician or my mom is one of those super creative types that sees learning experiences in slime, mud, and everything in between.
For today’s Bible story tip, I\’m going to teach you how to make "Fish Guts."
You\’ll need:
1 jar with lid (fill to about 1/4 with water)
1 can of tomato soup (Ketchup will also work)
1 can of oysters
1 can of anchovies
1 can of baby shrimp
Macaroni Noodles (or Ramen)
Leaves or grass (for seaweed)
1. Introduce the lesson to the kids. Tell them that they will have the opportunity to make fish guts.
2. Call for volunteers to come to the table and place the different ingredients in the jar. I like to start with the soup/ketchup.
3. Allow the last volunteer to place the lid on the jar. Shake vigorously.
4. Let kids pass the jar around and ask them to think about what it might be like to be floating in the gross mixture.
5. Explain that Jonah perhaps felt like a person floating in fish guts when he was swallowed by a big fish.
Untitled from Jeff Land on Vimeo.
Tell the Bible Story
1. Place two bowls or cups on a table along with a can of oysters or baby shrimp.
2. Form two teams of kids.
3. Tell teams they will try to get the most baby shrimp in their cups.
4. Ask questions from the Bible story allowing a team member from the correctly answering team to place a baby shrimp or oyster in his team’s jar.
Completing the Session
There are really all kinds of different things that you can do with these products to create fun games like a "oyster relay" or "macaroni toss".
You can also find some great ideas for activites in the book Super Duper Fun & Exciting Absolutely Thought-Igniting Bible Activities for Kids (1st through 6th Grade Edition). The activities that go along with the story of Jonah are found on pages 13,46, 50, and 99.
Enjoy and keep reading. I\’ll bring more ideas next month! Don’t forget even Jesus spit!
Anne Land
Jeff, I loved these lessons and might adapt them to some things at school. YEP, you’re right, your mom loves these gross and yucky lessons because she knows that the kids will remember them in the future… her very special son has!!! Great lessons, kiddo. Love, MOM
Thanks for offering these free ideas and lessons. We r a church with a small budget, very small, so things like this help. God bless, I can’t wait to try it tonight.
Jeff Land
Hey Mary,
I’m going to send you my full list of ideas.