Wow! I\’m pretty impressed with all of the action on the blog yesterday. You guys seem to be a lot like me, longing for a curriculum that will really reach preteens, engage them, and most of all, bring them closer to God.
It’s our prayer that FLYTE: faith. life. together. is going to help you accomplish that task. We\’ve spent MANY hours praying, researching, studying, and surveying in order to develop the most engaging, exciting, and biblical-centered curriculum your preteens will ever experience.
I hope that when you hear the word FLYTE it evokes images of movement and air. That’s exactly what we were thinking when we came up with the name. A little research told us that the initials FLT mean flight in aeronautical terms.
Each session of FLYTE is centered on a particular question. To see the full 2 year scope and sequence (yes, that’s right! TWO YEARS! Perfect for your preteen ministry!) click here!
During the faith. portion of the session, preteens will learn GOD\’S ANSWER to the question through a blblically-rich study. Preteens are encouraged to dig deep into God’s Word to discover His answer.
During the life. portion of the session, preteens will learn the WORLD\’S ANSWER to the session question. It became clear to the preteen team that most of the time in church, we tell preteens God’s answers, but never tell them that most of the world is going to disagree. This section will help preteens learn about how the world views a particular question or topic.
During the together. portion of the session, preteens will develop their OWN ANSWER to the session question based on the God’s Word. Hopefully, now, not only will they know God’s answer, they will OWN it and DO it. They will be prepared to respond to the world about the session topic with several simple, easy-to-remember statements. Prayerfully, over the course of two years, preteens will develop their own biblical worldview based on God’s unchanging word!
Tomorrow, I\’ll tell you more about the different pieces of the FLYTE line. I want to give you a chance to be a part of something really awesome. FLYTE is the first curriculum line by Lifeway to have a leader guide available not only in print, but also available in the iBookstore for your iPod, iPhone, or iPad. If you would like to have this book for free, send me an email and ask me for it!
For now, check out the FLYTE videos here (under the heading promo videos) and tell me your thoughts! Remember, all comments are entered into a drawing for the FLYTE Prize Pack.
I am encouraged by looking through the sample materials. From the perspective of the kids that I work with, who are a bit mature for their ages, I hope the overall video and material contents will not have too many cartoons or “craft” ideas. That is what gets me with most children’s material. Looking forward to more.
Hey Terry,
I think that you will love FLYTE. We did use a bit of anime’ in the music videos, but there is no cartoon to be found on the pages of the learner magazine and there are NO CRAFTS. I hope that you’ll enjoy using it.
Preteens are like sponges. They just soak up everything. It’s challenging sometimes to work with them. They want to interact so much and sometimes the materials available are more lecture oriented. Looking forward to somethng that keeps them involved in the teaching. Preteens are special to me right now, especially since I have two myself. Keep up the good work of staying on the front lines for our children.
FLYTE is the answer to our prayers ….. just what we gave been praying for.
Is each volume of the leadership kit going to be the same cost? Tht worries me a bit, as that could really add up with all the volumes that will be covered during the two years to complete the curriculum. Otherwise, we are excited for this to come out in June.
Passing the links to everyone we know that has or is soon to have pre-teens.
I have been with the RA program for over 20 yrs, as a teacher or director, during this time I have primarily and by choice, taught the Crusader boys. The material has been good material, but has not really be up to the age level of these boys. Our church has decided to try the FLYTE program this fall. We have a husband/wife team that have been teaching this for the last couple of weeks in SS. They will also be leading it on Wed nights this fall. I must say from what little I have read and heard about Flyte I think it is what we need.
I am thinking about helping, but want to get more information on the program and would like to know what kind of net/pos feed back you have received in relations to Flyte compared to RA/GA. Also what have pointed out as the pros/cons of this program.
I attend FBC Pascagoula, Ms. My home email is [email protected].
I am looking for to hearing back from you.
John H Watson