I know that you were tired of seeing my mug every time you pull up this page, so I decided to give some facetime to the FLYTE logo.
Today, we\’re going to give you the sample session of FLYTE. I\’ll help you get through it so that you know exactly how each session is taught.
First of all, download the sample leader guide by clicking here. You can also download the sample session CD-ROM here.
Each session has an overview page complete with a short Bible study for the teacher to help him or her get his or her own heart ready for the session.
• Get Started is made up of several elements.
1. Each session begins by playing a countdown timer about 3 minutes before the session starts.
2. Directly after the timer ends, you will see a FLYTE intro and then a "Weird of the Day" (please note: the "Weird of the Day" usually is completely pointless, but we think preteens will love it!) like this:
FLYTE – Weird of the Day Changes from Lifeway Kids on Vimeo.
3.Get started usually has an active game to introduce the session and a more introspective activity to get the preteens thinking about the session topic.
• FAITH: God’s Answer
1. The Faith section has two main portions: an indepth Bible study and a memory passage activity. The memory passage is the same for the entire unit. There is a memory passage activity or you can show the memory passage music video like this:
FLYTE – Your Word from Lifeway Kids on Vimeo.
2. There are also several times that the learner magazine is used during this section. Download a sample learner magazine here.
Sometimes there are videos like this one:
FLYTE – Family from Lifeway Kids on Vimeo.
• LIFE: World’s Answer
1. During this section, a variety of learning activities including handson activities and discussion will lead the preteens to discover the world’s answer to the session topic.
2. The learner magazine is often used during this section.
Sometimes there is a funny video like this one:
FLYTE – The Rocks from Lifeway Kids on Vimeo.
• LIFE: My Answer
1. During this section, preteens will be challenged to think of their personal response to the session topic based on God’s Word.
2. Preteens will hear and read the "Over and Out" statements which are short and easy to remember ways to respond biblically and confidently to anyone who asks a preteen how he or she feels about a topic.
What do you think? Do you like the videos? In VOLUME ONE of FLYTE there are 35 video clips over 13 sessions. That’s an average of 4 videos per day. The learner magazine is designed to be edgy and exciting. The leader guide is simple to use and easy to read.
Today’s question: What do you think your preteens will like most about FLYTE? (Don’t forget each comment is registered to win in the FLYTE Prize Pack contest!)
I think some of the videos are really corney but I believe the tweens are going to LOVE them. I’m so excited about FLYTE!!
I thought I’d let you know that the CD-Rom sample session download is not working – it takes me to a page that is no longer available.
Try this link: http://lifeway.com/pdf/FLYTEvol1CDrom.pdf
You can also go to http://lifeway.com/flyte to find links for downloading samples. Thanks!
I thought it was very cool. This is such a hard age to teach! They still want to be a “kid” and play, but they want to be cool at the same time. I feel like this would be a great was to grow the kiddo’s in my class. It will let them know that it can be cool or hip to still love Jesus. I think at this age some children start to question what road they want to go down. I think this will help them choose the road to eternal life. Thanks, Kim
Absolutely love this age. They are fabulous thinkers with the best questions. Looking forward to using Flyte