Last week I had the privilege of joining Lifeway’s Childhood Ministry Publishing Team for thier annual "Spring Fling." Each year the team of around 70 editor participate in a team building fellowship (usually outdoors in the sunshine of spring) and I get the privelege of participating.
This year it was a "Cake Bake Off" and oh were the entries DELICIOUS! It rained this year… so the party was moved in doors (which put a little damper on the event… pun intended)… but the cakes were awesome and the fellowship was even sweeter.
I so appreciate team building… it’s very important. You might remember that my team took a retreat this past winter. My favorite part of that retreat was playing games with the team. You really learn a lot about your team in a setting away from "the office."
What about your team? Have you considered offering an opportunity for your team to grow together and learn more about each other? Maybe it’s a game night or a cake bake… or even a golf outing (putt putt that is)… regardless… team building is an important part of what we do to "equip the saints" for the minitry that WE have been given.
What have you done to promote TEAM with your team? Share with a reply… for those who do, I\’ll randomly select one comment to receive one of my favorite leadership books. I hope to hear from you!
I love little treats with a nice note or a gift card every once in a while. Who doesn’t love that.