This week you have read about the various learning approaches. Take a minute to review the six ways previous discussed: verbal and visual, relational and reflective, and physical and natural. Now let’s focus on the last two approaches.
Logical learners like to learn in very sequential order. They like material presented in step 1, 2, and 3 patterns. They love to ask “why” and “how” and seek to apply what they are learning to previously learned information. Logical learners excel in using numbers, solving puzzles, and placing events in order. They like structure in the classroom and may experience difficulty in unstructured activities.
You can encourage learning for a logical learner by:
• Maintaining order in the classroom
• Explaining why and how things will take place
• Providing puzzles and activities that involve problem solving
• Stating information in a clear, sequential order
Some activities you may use with logical learners include:
• Puzzles
• Word searches or crossword puzzles
• “What if” situations
• Sequencing or developing patterns
Musical learners learn best through music. They tap and move their bodies in rhythm. They enjoy humming and singing. For them, learning occurs best when it is tied to some type of rhythmic sound.
You can encourage learning for a musical learner by:
• Playing soft music during small group activities
• Singing Bible verses to familiar tunes
• Encouraging the children to clap, tap, or pat beats as they say Bible verses
• Providing musical instruments for the children to explore
• Communicating with the children through rhythmic tones
• Encouraging the children to move to sounds of music
Some activities you may use with musical learners include:
• Play music as the children arrive or during small group activities
• Sing the Bible verse or questions to the child
• State the Bible verse in a rhythmic pattern
• Use musical instruments
• Invite the children to create “music” with their bodies
• Encourage the children to write words to familiar tunes
Think about the children in your ministry. Which types of learning approaches do you see demonstrated each week? In what ways can you lead Bible study times that meet the needs of the children? Keep in mind the different ways children learn as you prepare to teach this week.
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