The small school that I attended when I was in sixth grade had one class without about 25 students in it. We didn\’t change classes and we still had recess. We didn\’t take naps, but I probably snuck a few Zs while sitting through Social Studies.
I remember how excited I was that in Middle School I was going to get to change classes. I would not have to sit in the same boring teacher’s class and listen to her ALL day long. I remember thinking how great it would be to not have to sit with just my class in the cafeteria, but probably could sit with some older kids at lunch.
Middle School was going to be great! Then that fateful Monday morning arrived and I had to still get on the bus and ride to school. I got to class and found that getting to actually choose your own desk isn\’t as fun as I thought it would be. What if I didn\’t like the person that I chose to sit next to? What if I sat too close and they realize I should be wearing glasses? What if I sat in the back and got in trouble for talking?
Then I got to the cafeteria! Yikes! There were kids everywhere. Where were my friends that I used to sit with in elementary school? You mean I have to decide what I\’m going to eat and decide where I\’m going to sit? What?
Actually Middle School was a lot easier for me than I think it is for kids today? Here are some cool links that I found to help you as you think about helping your preteens transition.
Please note: There is good information in these links, but not all of the links are Christian based, so some ideas you might want to avoid.
Supporting Student in Their Transition to Middle School
The Transition to Middle School
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