The next few posts will be about things that have inspired or that inspire us. We\’ll share some personal stories from our hearts with hopes of encouraging and inspiring you in your ministry.
I want to start at the beginning. The greatest inspiration in my life has been my parents. From early on my parents encouraged me and inspired me to do my best. Their pride for me and their expecations of me have always pushed me to follow my dreams and God’s direction for my life.
My father would always introduce me to his friends as, "my son in whom I\’m well pleased." While I knew exactly where he had gotten that "line" I also knew that my dad was proud of me and used that opportunity to show his approval and encourage me to live my life to please my Heavenly Father.
Mom’s always been the care giver. She not only took care of our physical needs she also took care to make sure we were walking the right paths. Mom never hesitates when it comes to reminding us for Whom we serve and that our best is the only acceptable gift to Him. She is a prayer warior! She is up early every morning for Bible reading and prayer and her prayer list is topped by her children. Everyday my mother prays for me by name and often prays for specific needs and concerns for me and my ministry. My parents have given me so much… I\’m most thankful for their gift of God’s love… shared and lived out in front of me as an inspiration.
Kids inspire me, too!
It’s hard to explain the rush of energy and enthusiasm I get from the kids I teach. Specifically, Bible drill kids. These are the kids that have chosen (with their parent’s help) to go the extra mile. I\’m amazed and inspired by these kids who memorize 25 Bible verses; memorize the location of 10 key passages (and are able to locate these passages in 10 seconds or less); and learn the books of the Bible in order and can locate any book in 10 seconds or less. These kids are my heros. I\’m encouraged to "keep on keeping on" when I\’m around them. They inspire me to do my best. They inspire me to work harder. They inspire me to be all that God has created me to be because when I see them, I know that in some way I\’m encouraging and inspiring them.
So what inspires you? I\’d love to hear your stories. I\’d love to know what get’s you motivated and encouraged. Share with the group your stories of inspiration. Come on… it\’ll inspire us all!
Lana Liggett
I attended your classes at Glorieta a couple of weeks ago but now cannot find the handouts you gave for the sessions. I always enjoy your classes and come away refreshed and energized. I was so upset when I realized my handouts didn’t make it home with me. We left for a Florida vacation when we returned from Glorieta and just now am getting a chance to go through my material I got at the conference. I would appreciate so so much if you could at least send me the handout about the games. My email is: [email protected] I couldn’t find you on the Lifeway website but glad I found this blog! Thanks again for teaching the classes and for any help you could give me.
Lana Liggett
Burkburnett, TX