Hope you are enjoying learning about some Bible skill games. Here’s some additional games you can play with your kids.
First Word/Last Word
• Ask: "Do you know the first words of the books of the Bible? What about the last words?"
• Form teams of four to five players.
• Explain: "Let’s discover the first (or last) words of some of the books of the Bible. I will show you a book of the Bible and tell you to find the first or last word of the book. The first team to locate and write the words on your paper will receive a point."
• Announce "First Word" or "Last Word."
• Display one of the books of the Bible flash cards.
• Guide the children to locate and write the words on their paper.
How Long Is It?
You will need paper and pencils for this activity.
• Ask: "Why does the Bible contain chapters and verses?"
• Explain: "Chapter numbers and verse numbers help us locate Bible verses."
• Continue: "Let’s play a game to challenge our Bible skills as well as our math skills. I\’ll call out a book of the Bible. Locate the book in your Bible and discover how many chapters the book contains."
• Display one of the books of the Bible flash cards.
• Assist the children to discover how many chapters the book contains.
• Invite the children to record the number on their papers.
• Continue for additional books of the Bible.
• Suggest the children add the numbers of chapters.
• For a real challenge, invite the children to add the number of chapters in each book to discover how many chapters the Bible contains.
"In the Beginning"
You will need paper and pencils for this activity.
• Explain: "I will read aloud a question. Write down your answer and then we will locate the verses to see if we are correct."
• What was the first thing created by God? (the heavens and earth, Genesis 1:1)
• Who was the first gardener? (Adam, Genesis 2:15) • Who performed the first surgery? (God removed Adam’s rib, Genesis 2:21)
• What was the first sin? (disobeying God by eating the fruit, Genesis 3:6)
• Who was the first mother? (Eve, Genesis 4:1)
• Who was the first baby? (Cain, Genesis 4:1)
• Who was the first shepherd? (Abel, Genesis 4:2)
• Who was the first murderer? (Cain, Genesis 4:8)
• What was the first animal sent out of the ark? (a raven, Genesis 8:7)
• Who was the first child named before his birth? (Ishmael, Genesis 16:11)
• Who was the first mother named in the Bible to have twins? (Rebekah, Genesis 25:21-24)
• When was the first rain? (at the flood, Genesis 7:4)
• What was the first temptation of Jesus? (turn stones to bread, Matthew 4:3)
• Who was the first king of Israel? (Saul, 1 Samuel 9:17)
• According to the Bible, who were the first people to visit baby Jesus? (shepherds, Luke 2:15-16)
• Who were the first disciples? (Peter and Andrew, Matthew 4:18-20)
• What is the first of the Ten Commandments? (have no other gods, Exodus 20:3)
• What was the first miracle Jesus performed? (turned water to wine, John 2:1-11)
• Where were the disciples first called Christians? (Antioch, Acts 11:26)
• What are the first animals mentioned in the Bible? (fish and birds, Genesis 1:20)
Spell It!
You will need several sets of magnetic alphabet letters and magnetic cookie sheets.
• Guide the children to select a card and use the letters to spell the name of the Bible book.
• Help the children learn to pronounce the book name.
• Show the children how to locate the book in the Bible.
Toney Santucci
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