Is it too early to begin thinking about your plans for next summer? No way! Here at CentriKid Camps, we think about summer year-round. We\’d love for you to bring kids from your church and join us for CentriKid 2012. Our theme for next summer is Game On… Living a Transformed Life.
Our desire is to help kids understand God’s work in the world and in their own lives. Over the course of four years at CentriKid, campers will learn who God is, who we are, what God does, and what we do. In 2012, we will continue this 4-year model by studying what we do as a result of God’s work in our lives. Romans 12:1-2 gives us a great challenge to live as transformed followers of Christ, so at CentriKid 2012, it’s "Game On!" We will study God’s work in the life of the Old Testament hero, Daniel, and learn what it means to live out our faith as God works through us.
At CentriKid, solid biblical content is woven all throughout the day! Campers will learn to make wise choices, take a stand for their faith, and live a life of integrity. But, more than that, they will learn that those things only happen through a changed heart–the best gift we could ever receive. Join us as we catch the Olympic spirit at CentriKid 2012, "Game On… Living a Transformed Life!" You don\’t want to miss it, and many locations fill up quickly, so sign up today. What do you love MOST about CentriKid Camps? Comment and let us know!
Meredith and the CentriKid team keep readers up to date with camp info, ministry tips, leadership lessons, and more at
Just read and my mouth starts watering already! Definitely Will make it. =P