Thanksgiving helps us focus on the blessings we receive. How thankful are you for these items?
• Your family • Your faith • Your health • Your calling to serve
• Your friends • Your home • Your _________________
I know personally there are times that I take for granted many of the blessings God gives me. I am glad for a holiday season such as Thanksgiving that causes me to slow down and reflect on how God is working in my life. How do the children in your ministry fit into the blessings God has given you? Do you see the children as God sees them? Allow me to share some views of the children (4 year olds) that I teach each Sunday morning.
My fours are:
• Full of energy • Excited to come to class
• Full of questions • Busy – if it is in the classroom, they want to explore it
• Learning who God is
• Honest – I’ve learned more about parents from my fours than I’ve ever known
• Friendly • Open
As I think about Thanksgiving, I think about Jesus’ words recorded in Matthew 9. Jesus stated, “The harvest is abundant, but the workers are few. Therefore, pray to the Lord of the harvest to send out workers into His harvest.”
The two miles I drive to church each week help me focus on the children in the neighborhoods. I think about the families who have no relationship with God. I think about children growing up without Christian parents. I wonder how many children will never know how much God loves them. Then I think about myself – what am I doing to reach out to these children and their families? What can I do to help these children add the blessings of God to their Thanksgiving lists?
I recently returned from an international mission trip. While on the trip, I pondered the things I listed above. God spoke to me saying, See the harvest through My eyes. There are many people waiting to hear how much I love them. Go, work in the fields. Go, tell the people I love them.
My challenge is to go into my harvest fields and to see people through the eyes of God. I pray you will receive the same challenge and be willing to get out of the storehouse and out into the fields.
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