There are so many neat parts of The Gospel Project for Kids and over the next few weeks we\’ll share some of the highlights. Today, I want to share with you about activity pages.
Each week during the first small group portion of the Bible Study session teachers will have the option to use a prepared activity page.
Several years ago I was convicted about what I do with early arrivers (kids who get to class early) and late stayers (kids whose parents run late in picking them up) in my class. I realized that I will be held accountable for every minute that kids are under my supervision. I’ve dealt with that conviction in a variety of ways to make sure that when the first child enters the room we start learning. I’ve used early arrival activities, Bible skill games, and puzzles. I have to admit it’s not always been easy to come up with 15-20 minutes of "extra" material.
In The Gospel Project for Kids leaders will be provided with weeekly activity pages that can be used by one child or the whole group. So, when the first child arrives… learning begins. Additionally, there are two options for session starters. I plan to use one session starter at the "official" beginning of class and the other for those who complete the activity page and are ready to move on.
Another option in this resource for preschoolers and younger children are coloring pages. Each week lined versions of the sylistic art will be provided to use as needed.
This past weekend I led a session at the Vacation Bible School Preview event in Nashville on The Gospel Project for Kids. Around 130 folks showed up to hear more. We decided it would be a great opportunity to create some excitement and have a "coloring contest" where one of the talented artists would win a free years subscription to The Gospel Project for Kids. They had a blast and we did indeed choose a winner.
Congratulations to Florence Watts of White Springs Baptist Church, Rainbow City, AL. She did a great job!
Activity pages, session starters, and coloring sheets are just a few teaching tools that we can use to engage boys and girls and help them get the Big Picture of the Gospel. I look forward to seeing kids really "get it" as they are guided to Jesus each week during The Gospel Project for Kids.
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