We can never thank our teachers and leaders enough. The time and work they give has eternal significance; each week they are impacting the lives of kids and parents. You can show gratitiude and appreciation to your teachers in the weeks ahead…and put a little spring spin on it.
Give a gift. At this time of year, you can find packets of seeds everywhere. Purchase packets of wildflower seeds (or whatever kind of seeds you want to give). Attach a small note that reads Thank you for sowing the seed of God’s Word in the lives of kids.
You could also give them small decorated flowerpots, bedding plants, or other spring-related items. A small gift can express appreciation in a big way.
Send a note. Give kids in your ministry blank notecards to decorate. Kids could stamp, paint, or draw springtime scenes (or use pastel springtime colors in their designs). You could plan a time for kids to do this at church or send the notecards home for kids to decorate and bring back to you. Then use the kid-decorated cards to write appreciation notes to teachers. Mail the notes as a fun surprise.
Handwritten thank-yous can make a big impact. And the teachers will love the kid art, too.
Have a party. Plan a simple fun gathering for teachers. Ask teachers to bring a simple, springtime food to share. Or ask parents or other ministry leaders to prepare some simple foods. Plan some fun springtime activities–make kites, blow bubbles, dig in the dirt. (See Windy Play for ideas.) Teachers like to have fun just like kids do.
Don’t plan a formal program. Just make it fun. Tell teachers how much you value what they do. Getting together can be a fun way to say thanks.
What are some ways you\’ve expressed appreciation to teachers? How have you celebrated springtime with your teachers?
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