There’s a lot hapening here at Lifeway! Here are a few things I want to make sure you are "in the know" about. Make sure you read to the bottom (hint, hint).
- Last week Bill shared about how excited we all were about The Gospel Project for Kids and the webcast last week with Matt Chandler, J.D. Greear, Ed Stetzer, and Trevin Wax. Did you miss it? If so you\’ll definately want to go check it out here.
- Did you know we have a monthly email newsletter for both Lifeway Kids and Lifeway VBS? You can sign up here.
- Last but certainly not least, we have several new products coming out in May and June. I\’m a Christian, Now What? is a 90 day devotional for kids to utilize at home. It’s a great companion product to I\’m a Christian Now, or as a completly stand-alone product to give to new Christians. Here are a few topics covered in the journal: How Do I Know the Bible Is True?, What Is Worship? When and How Should I Worship?, What Is a Quiet Time?, and Why Should I Study My Bible?
How would you like to win a copy of I\’m a Christian, Now What? Just leave a comment below letting us know one topic you’d like to hear about here on the Kids Ministry 101 blog. We\’ll pick one random winner to send I\’m a Christian, Now What? to when it releases in June.
Don’t miss Foto Friday over on the Lifeway VBS Blog!
Shannon Meadors
Would love a copy! This sounds great!
Teresa Godwin
Excitied about this new resource and would certainly like to have a FREE one!
Helen M Harris
I’m really excited to hear of this new Item! I already teach a class six boys and girls using “I’m A Christian Now”. What a joy it would beto get a free copy of the compansion piece “I’m A Christian, Now What?”, for kids to continue to build their lifestyle as young Christians!
Katie DeCillo
Shannon, Teresa, and Helen– will you send your mailing address to [email protected]? I would love to send each of you a copy!
Janee Palmer
Would love to hear about how to keep youngsters interested in learning bible verses. The journal is possible what we need. Thanks