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- Your days are jam packed full of dealing with day-to-day issues in your kids ministry;
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That’s why we want to make sure that the time you spend reading this blog is time well spent. You might just need a laugh; to find out you’re not alone; to glean information from others who\’ve walked those miles before you. We want to know what you need.
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Look forward to hearing from you!
What advice/tips can you share for conveying the importance of workers showing up to work their Sunday positions and not waiting till the last minute to call out? It seems to be the nuggets problem
In our nursery, toddler , preschool areas. How can we effectively teach them to call ahead instead of just not showing up?
Also, what is the most effective way to train teenagers when they begin working in a toddler classroom?
Thanks, Lindsey
Great question Klista! I would love to hear more “orange” ideas. I’m always looking for ways to help the parents of my kinder kids take Sunday’s lesson and play it out during the week. How do I convince parents to help me make it stick?
how can I motivate Sunday school teachers to be attending to be attending Sunday School teachers meetings
how can Sunday School teachers be motivated to do their work with gladness of heart?