The Lord knows that those of us in kids ministry do not do what we do because of the paycheck!
It is valuable, though, from time to time to just sit back and reflect on that very question: "As a kids leader, why do I do what I do?" As I have thought about this question for myself, the Lord brought to mind the following. In other words, I do what I do because:
1. I am called by God. (Jeremiah 29:11) I know that God has a plan for my life and my work. I can remember back when I went through some personal struggles related to my "vocation." I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that God called me to kids ministry. He has given me a love for kids and their families and has equipped me to make many hours of investments in kids, leaders and parents.
2. The Bible says so. (Deuteronomy 6:4-7) I have come to learn that foundational Christian education is vitally important in the lives of kids. God gave me experiences in teaching public school and has shown me through my own children that these formative years of education are essential. I have come to realize that parents are to be the primary teachers of their kids and we as teachers/leaders are to help under-gird what is taught in the home. Unfortunately, many families have this reversed. One of my challenges has been to help families understand their role in shaping kids spiritually.
3. Children are a gift to be treasured. (Psalm 127:3) God loves children unconditionally and so should we. The litmus test in ministry is to constantly evaluate: are kids a blessing or a burden? If the answer is not blessing, kids leaders probably need to make sure they are plugged into the Power Source and are not trying to do ministry in their own strength.
4. God is concerned about the salvation of children. (Matthew 18:14) Jesus rebuked his disciples when they attempted to turn away children from Jesus. He also went one step further and lifted up kids as an example of "child like faith." His desire is that "none of these little ones should perish spiritually."
When was the last time you had a conversation with God about "why you do what you do?" Try it today. You\’ll be blessed or convicted and maybe BOTH!
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