So, today I\’m supposed to write about a hero in kids ministry. Wow! How in the world can I ever choose just one?
So, I\’m NOT! I mean…I\’m not going to choose just one. I\’m going to choose ALL of you! Because,, really, it’s true. You are all my heroes. Having served on staff as a director of preschool ministries, I’ve been in your shoes. I’ve worn many of the hats you wear. It’s hard work. And often times thankless. And most times, unpaid or at least not paid nearly what your\’e worth.
But, take heart. I know that you know it’s not about that. It’s a little like giving birth. Stay with me here. When you’re starting the whole pregnancy process, it can be fun, exciting, and you do love the attention. But eventually that newness wears off. Then you just feel fat, tired, unappreciated, and your whole body just hurts. Then the REAL work starts. (Again, stay with me here.) Pressure. Pain. Screaming. And just when you think you can\’t take it anymore, you see the results of all that hard work. A beautiful new creation. It’s so incredible, you forget about all the pain, all the trouble and just rejoice that God let you be a part of it!
Take a moment now and think about how God has let you be a part of the "birth" of so many new Christians. Those who\’ve been reborn in Him. YOU play such a tremendous part in that. And isn\’t it worth it? Isn\’t it worth all those late nights? Isn\’t it worth all that enlisting? Isn\’t it worth "those" phone calls and meetings with parents? Isn\’t it worth ______? You fill in the blank. It is worth it. Isn\’t it!
On behalf of your church, staff, parents and kids, thank you! You are our hero! Keep up the good work!
I love you my friends. Blessings on you and all you do!
Dan Liles
Thanks for the encouragement Klista! Great reminder here! It will be worth it all when we see Jesus and all of the little friends in our care who have received Him. Your timing…impeccable!
Klista Storts
Thank you, Dan. I mean every word! Kids ministers are some truly incredible people. Blessings!