There are few things that excite me more that Children’s Bible Drill. I can\’t think of anything else we do at church more foundational and more important that this ministry. Obviously, Children’s Bible Drill isn\’t for everyone but for those kids who choose to participate… the implications and affects are eternal.
If you haven\’t done Children’s Bible Drill before here’s a quick that will help you understand the basics of the program. I think you\’ll agree it’s simple and it’s worth your effort.
One Goal: The goal of Children’s Bible Drill is to help 4th-6th graders increase their knowledge of the Bible and develop skills in effectively using the Bible
Two People: It takes at least two people to start a Children’s Bible Drill program in your church. Always have two people in the room when you teach boys and girls. This rule applies to Children’s Bible Drill, too. During the actual drill you will need the following: A caller (a person who directs the drill), a time keeper (someone to watch a 10 second timer and make drillers aware when 10 seconds has passed), and three judges (these judges observe the drill and make notations when a driller commits one of the mistakes… see point six).
Three Drills: There are three levels in Children’s Bible Drill. The Church Drill, The Associational Drill, and The State Drill. At each level kids are required to earn a certain amount of correct answers in order to move on to the next level. A kid must get 12 of 24 calls correct at the church drill in order to advance to the associational drill, 16 of 24 to advance to the state drill and 20 out of 24 in order earn the title of state winner.
Four Calls: There are four different types of calls in a drill. At an actual drill (church, association, state) there will be six opportunities in each type of call. The BOOK CALL requires a child to succesfully locate a "called" Bible book in 10 seconds or less. If called upon, the driller will name the book before, the book called, and the book after the one called. The KEY PASSAGE CALL requires a kid to locate preassigned key passages (10 key passages each year) in 10 seconds or less. If called upon the drill will state the key passage title, the reference and read from the passage a selected verse. The QUOTATION CALL requires a driller to quote a Bible verse from memory after being given the reference. There are 25 verses assigned to each year of the three year cycle. The COMPLETION CALL asks a kid to complete a Bible verse and it’s reference after being given a short portion of the verse.
Five Commands: In a drill, kids will learn to respond to five commands: Attention (standing straight with ones Bible to his side); Present Bibles (placing the Bible between both hands, in front of the driller, parallel to the ground; Start (the point at which the driller will begin his search); Time (the point at which 10 seconds has passed and the driller must have stepped forward indicating he has successfully accomplished the task); Attention (returning to the original attention position).
Six Mistakes: There are six mistakes that can cause a kid to be unsuccessful during a drill.
- The child fails to step out within 10 seconds
- The child gives an incorrect response.
- The child raises his or her hand, indicating an error on his part.
- The child fails to stand straight or keep his eyes on the drill caller until the command "start" is given.
- When the Bible is used, the child steps forward before the index finger is on the correct response.
- The child misuses the Bible.
Children’s Bible Drill is a big commitment. Most drillers find that one of the most important elements of CBD is the commitment from family to the kids success. Memorization and practice are essential and most often happen outside the confinments of a classroom. However, this big commitment pays eternal results.
Resently I received a thank you note from a young man whom I had given a high school graduation gift to. He shared in that note how appreciative he was for the gift, but more so the investment I had made in his life as a Bible Driller. He shared with me how Micah 6:8 (one of the 75 verses he had memorized in the three years he participated in Children’s Bible Drill) had influenced his life and decisions about his future. He thanked me for helping him to place that verse to memory.
Consider Children’s Bible Drill in your Fall/Winter programming for next year. You will NOT be disappointed.
Check out this new resource: "Bible Drill Competition Guide" for answers and suggestions for a successful Children’s Bible Drill at your church.
Other Articles on Children’s Bible Drill. HERE HERE and HERE
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