Have you made your reservation for Lifeway’s Kids Ministry Conference 2012? Ifyou haven\’t, let me encourage you to check it out and get registered ASAP. This year promises to be one of the best line-ups yet. I can hardly wait to hear from each of the keynote speakers. From the hilarious stories of Lisa Harper to the inspiring worship led by Travis Cotrell… you won\’t want to miss one single session. I so enjoy the opportunity to be ministered to during KMC.
This morning I was looking through the listing of workshop options (which can be found on the website) and saw some new faces offering new breakouts and that’s exciting! There are over 50 different workshops scheduled. The hardest part of the whole conference will be choosing your favorite 10 workshops. I\’m looking forward to not only leading a couple of these workshops but also sitting in and learning from some of these great leaders in kids ministry.
If that weren\’t enough… add Ridgecrest Conference Center and the beautiful Blue Ridge Mountains in October and you might just have the perfect Kids Ministry Conference.
Early registration is going on now through August 15. After the 15th the fee goes up so don\’t wait too much longer to get your name on the roll for KMC 2012! You\’ll be glad you did!
For Information and Registration for KMC\’12 click HERE!
Today on Lifeway’s VBS Blog, learn more about Backyard Bible Club resources!
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