One of our very favorite things about our brand new line of curriculum, The Gospel Project for Kids, are these colorful Big Picture Cards for Families. If your church is using The Gospel Project for Kids, your child should receive one each week that corresponds with the lesson they learned in class. The cards feature the Bible art as well as the Big Picture Question & Answer for the week and the Christ-connection.
They can be purchased separately for just $1.95 or can be purchased as part of the Activity Pack for preschool, younger, and older kids for $2.50. (A savings of $1.40!) We love how easy these cards make it for parents to continue the conversation at home. Here are a few games you may play as a family or class with the Big Picture Cards!
- Hide and Seek | Hide the cards places your kid will see in a normal day (tape to the wall by the bathroom sink, on the refrigerator door, inside a soccer shoe). Challenge kids to find all the cards and place in chronological order.
- What is Missing? | Take a black dry erase marker and cover key phrases from the big picture question, big picture answer, or the Christ Connection. Challenge kids to shout out the missing phrases.
- Count of Three | Give each kid an equal number of cards. On the count of three each kid will play one card from his hand. The Bible story that occurred closest to Jesus’ birth wins. Continue play with remaining cards. You may also decide that the Bible story that occurred first chronologically is the winner.
- Choose a Color | Select one or more cards for play. Choose an item in the Bible story picture and share what color the item is without revealing the item. Guide family members to take turns guessing what item you selected. After the item is revealed, review the Bible story, big picture question, and Christ connection.
- Name the Bible Story | Hold a card behind a piece of dark-colored paper. On the count of three, drop the paper. The family member who announces the name of the Bible story first wins. Tip: cover the name of the Bible story with a dry erase marker or your hand to prevent someone from simply reading the title. Review the Bible story and Christ connection.
Love the cards. Wonderful teaching tool.