There is no bigger struggle in Kids Ministry that recruiting and enlisting volunteers to lead in our ministries. Of all the frustrations that I talk with kids ministers about, enlistment is always near the top. Here are some good "rules of thumb" as you look this giant in the eye and SLAY HIM!
Try This: Prayer. God is in control and he want you to succeed. Don’t forget that He in more concerned about your success than even you. Pray, pray, pray! Then pray some more!
Not That: Believe you’re all you need.
Try This: Recruit with a vision. Folks want to be a part of something that is going somewhere, that means something, and that really makes a difference.
Not That: Recruit to fill slots.
Try This: Be Enthusiastic! Enthusiasm is contagious. People will get excited about what you’re excited about and they\’ll be more interested in being involved.
Not That: Beg for help.
Try This: Be Organized. There really isn\’t anything appealing about a hap-hazard ministry. Get organized and invite folks to join your organization.
Not This: Recruit folks to join your chaos.
Try This: Share the Joy! Use your leadership (lead teachers, directors, coordinators) to help recruit. The more folks looking will result in more folks enlisted.
Not This: Ask all your friends and family to serve in Kids Ministry.
Try This: Use a job description. Recruit people for a specific work. People can\’t live up to your expectations if they don\’t know what they are.
Not This: We just need someone to sit with the kids.
Try This: Consider the Buddy System. Close friends are more apt to serve when asked to serve together. Look for sets of friends to fill slots, especially big jobs.
Not This: Leave all your adult friends and come join the kids!
Try This: Don’t forget the men. Men make great teachers and really do change the atmosphere in a classroom.
Not This: Men are not allowed.
Try This: Train and Equip. Folks do best when they are equipped to do what they\’ve been asked to do. Make sure you take the time to train new recruits and equip your leadership.
Not This: Leave your volunteers to fin for themselves.
Try This: Show appreciation. Volunteers need to know that they are appreciated. Notes, small gifts, and other "pats on the backs" mean a lot and will go a long way toward retention and a good reputations.
Not This: Neglect and disregard. It always fails!
Enlistment is not easy, but it really can be rewarding. Try some of "these" and leave some of "those" alone!
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