Living in Nashville has been a blessing. Having grown up in Texas with mostly flat landscapes, the rolling hills of Tennessee have been satisfying to the eyes with their beauty and to the imagination with the I wonder what’s over the next hill? effect. Each morning as I leave my subdivision headed to work in downtown Nashville, I always round the corner close to my house, drive up a short hill, and then without fail am amazed at how God speaks to me as I top the hill. He reveals to me the sunrise for the day (sometimes low clouds and haze!) and immediately reminds me…this is a new day, a chance to do over with His help whatever I didn\’t do quite right yesterday.
I have gotten into a daily routine of talking with God as I top the hill and head into whatever is going to come my way that day. I begin each day the same way…talking with God. On most days, I pray 1 Chronicles 4:10…Lord, bless me today! You know exactly what is headed my way. Thank you that you will be right there with me. Secondly, Lord, place your hand on me. Set me apart. Help me to be different from others and exhibit the behavior pleases you. Thirdly, Lord, give me influence. Help the experiences that you have brought across my path along my journey with You give me wisdom. Speak through me to others as an encourager and sometimes, if needed, as one who rebukes. Lastly, Lord, protect me from the evil one. Lord, you know my weaknesses…please equip me to be strong in turning away from temptation to disobey you. Help me to not do anything to bring dishonor to Your Name.
How do you begin each day? With the Lord? In conversation with Him? Reading from His Word? Decide right now…Lord, I will begin each day with YOU!. I will begin each day by being plugged into the Power Source!
kimberly vogel
I was just telling Kevin last night how much my week would’ve turned out if I hadn’t slept in (for me sleeping in is past 7) but rolled out of bed for my extra time with God. Thanks for posting this today!