Confession time. I have become a political junkie. It’s my husband’s fault. I have to admit that I used to absolutely hate this time of year because I knew that for several months, evenings at our house would be made up of watching political news on TV and mornings would hold more views on the same issues as we listened to the radio on the way to work.
I\’m embarrassed to say that I tired easily of what I considered to be rhetoric. And, all this from someone who lived and worked in Washington, DC for almost six years! But this year, it’s different for me. I decided I should listen. Okay, at first, it was primarily so I would have something in common with my spouse. But as I watched his interest for what the issues actually mean for our country, I grew to admire his passion.
I’ve watched the news, debated over debates, and even caught myself adjusting the knob to a talk radio station one morning when I was alone!Though each election year is important, Presidential election years weigh in more heavily on our ability to impact the future of kids and families in our ministries. We have the responsibility to look at the candidates and the issues – both local and national – and determine what impact they may have on our nation’s spiritual health and more specifically, our kids!
I don\’t know with what party you’re affiliated. It’s not my business. I\’m sure not about to tell you how to vote. But I am going to tell you to go vote! It’s not just a right, it’s a responsibility. Hey, you can even get some time off work to do it! You\’ll feel good about yourself. Go make a difference. You\’ll be glad you did.
I will be casting a vote tomorrow, would not miss the opportunity. I would ask anyone thinking about sitting it out this year to pray about it, Also to think about all the men and women who worked to make this country great. If we continue to lose ground we may reach a point where it can not be corrected. Think about all the kids that have been murdered legally since Roe vs Wade in 1973. I could have been one of them. I am thankful that I was born to two healthy Christian parents that were married before they had me, but even if I was born to a single mother out of wedlock I would still want the some opportunity to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. If you only pick one reason to vote would this not be one to cast a ballet on?