Sometimes life happens in such a way that we find ourselves needing to change curriculum in January–in what feels like the middle of the year. Many would say it’s not the best or most natural time to change curriculum so what do you do when you find yourself in that sticky spot? Here are three tips for helping your leaders get the most out of the change and not going crazy yourself!
1. Do your research. Don’t just pick something that looks pretty and go for it. Also, don\’t let minor struggles with one curriculum cause you to do an overhaul and change everything. Evaluate what it really is that you’re looking for and then do your research to find it.
2. Don’t surprise them. Teachers, that is. We know that often times, kids may not recognize that the changes are as large as they really are. However, teachers always will, sometimes making a bigger deal out of it than we feel is necessary. Help your teachers by not surprising them with a new curriculum when they aren\’t expecting it. Let them know if you’re looking. Ask for their feedback. Find out what they love and don\’t love about the current curriculum, and then assure them that you are looking for solutions to their problems.
3. Do continue to train them. When the time comes to make the switch, offer them lots of encouragement, training, and support. Be ready for questions and push back. Be ready for frustration, which often comes from simply not being familiar with the new curriculum. Don’t get defensive, but work hard to answer those questions and train them well. Whenever possible, let them see what it looks like in real life. Send links to blogs, training videos, and any other resources you can find. Help, help, help!
What other suggestions do you have for changing curriculum in the middle of the year? Comment and let us know!
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