I love Easter. For me, Easter is truly the marker of the beginning of Spring. This year, Easter comes a little early, but maybe that just means Spring will too! I know I\’m not the only one ready to see new life in the grass and trees. For those of you who are friends of dirt like me, I\’m sure you are also ready to go out and plant some flowers!
Easter is an exciting time at church. Little boys and girls will come to church in their new duds and excitedly tell you about their Easter baskets. It’s super important that we always point them back to the REAL reason why we celebrate Easter. Easter marks the resurrection of our Savior and NOTHING could be more important that celebrating the King of Kings.
How do kids celebrate? By having fun, laughing, and enjoying church. I came up with a few games that you might consider playing with your kids to help them get in a celebratory mood this Easter. Thanks to my coworkers, Alyssa Jones, Bethany Brown, Rachel Coe, James Hargrave, Katie DeCillo, Trudy Gardner, and Bill Emeott for starring in the demonstration videos below!
1. Peeps in a Nest
The Peeps have escaped from their nest and it is time to help them back. Allow one team member to hold a bucket or basket over his head while the other team member(s) toss Peeps and try to land them in the basket.
[vimeo 62166610 w=500 h=281]
Peeps in a Nest from Lifeway Kids on Vimeo.
2. Jelly Bean Toss
Teams will work together to try to fill their cups with Jelly beans by tossing them across the room.
[vimeo 62167691 w=500 h=281]
Jelly Bean Toss from Lifeway Kids on Vimeo.
3. Cadbury Overload
Give a couple of players some mini-Cadbury eggs and see who can eat them most in a minute or less.
[vimeo 62166606 w=500 h=281]
Cadbury Overload from Lifeway Kids on Vimeo.
4. Peanut Butter Whistle
Challenge a class member to eat a Reese’s Peanunt Butter Egg and then whistle the tune Jesus Loves Me in one minute or less.
[vimeo 62166609 w=500 h=281]
Peanut Butter Whistle from Lifeway Kids on Vimeo.
5. Chick and Bunny Stack Attack
Buy a bag of Chick and Bunny Mallow candy and compete to build the highest tower.
[vimeo 62166608 w=500 h=281]
Myrna Perry
Thank you for the fun ideas for Easter games for at church.
These ideas may also be included for other special days and church fellowships.
Lindsey Whitney
Great ideas!!! I think we’ll use some of these at our family gathering this weekend!
Lindsey @ GrowingKidsMinistry.com