#4 Organization is Your Best Friend
Do you have piles of resources in the corners of your office? Are you stepping over glue sticks, markers, and scissors to get to your computer? Are you no longer sure what the top of your desk looks like? Do those who vacuum the floors in your church stand at your door and shake their head? If you’ve answered yes to any of these questions… you might need to take heed to this piece of advice, “Organization is Your Best Friend!”
“Stuff” is part of our work. It takes more “stuff” to pull off Kids Ministry than any other ministry in the church. You don’t go to a preschool Bible study class and sit in folding chairs and listen to a lecturing teacher… children need resources to create art projects that help to reinforce biblical content. It’s just who we are. But, there’s nothing less inviting or less respected than a Kids Ministry that seems to be disorganized and chaotic. And… the truth is… perception can be reality.
I know it’s difficult and I know it’s often a product of our work but it looks bad, it gives off the wrong impression, and at the end of the day… folks will be quick to make snap judgments about your ministry when they see a disorganized “hot mess.”
I’m a big proponent of organization. I can spend a month’s salary in The Container Store if I’m not careful. I love putting everything away, making sure it’s all in the proper place; ready for quick retrieval (alphabetized, shelved by color or size). Organized file cabinets (physical and electronic) are things I day-dream about (weird… I know). And, I realize that if I’m not careful I can violate Principle #3 by being too organized… but I also know that an organized ministry is an inviting ministry.
People don’t want to be a part of something that’s chaotic. People don’t want to join a disorganized team. People can be reluctant (especially visitors) to leave their children in the care of a disorganized, haphazard, maybe even potentially dangerous Kids Ministry.
So…… GET ORGANIZED! Take some time this spring to clean up, put away, and spruce up your ministry area. If that’s just not your thing… enlist someone who enjoys that type work (if they’re already serving in Kids Ministry chances are they’ve anxiously been waiting for the opportunity) and let ‘em go at it.
Truth: Organization Is Your Best Friend! (Why didn’t somebody tell me that earlier?)
PS: While I’ve spent a good bit of this post talking about the physical organization of your ministry… most all these thoughts can be easily equate to the “organizational chart” of your ministry. Join me next time and I’ll share my thoughts on “Giving away your Ministry!”
OK… so if you are really the only one planning, prepping, scheduling, training, filling in for volunteers, running here and there…. how do you take time for spiritual, physical and emotional well being?
I know it’s hard and I know that sometimes it seems impossible… but it’s so important that eventually you get to the place where you are able to take care of yourself. You can only run without being “refueled” for so long and then you’re done! Taking care of yourself in these areas will help to prevent burnout. Work toward a team of volunteers that will help you achieve your long-term goals which needs to include YOU. Stay strong… keep the faith… seek the goal. He will help you!!!!