Enlistment can be a four letter word – H.A.R.D. It’s kind of like that bunny that just keeps going and going and going and going. It’s one of those projects that never gets finished. In fact, truth be known, it’s probably the top reason that kid ministers leave the ministry.
Sadly, I remember a time when I couldn’t even share the joy of one of my teachers who excitedly told me she was expecting. All I could think was that in about nine months, I was going need to find a new teacher! Now, that’s bad.
So what do you do? Here are a few suggestions that might help.
• Ask someone in person.
• Ask someone face-to-face.
• Ask someone eye-to-eye.
• Ask someone toe-to-toe.
• Ask…
Hmmm. See a pattern? While there are tons of different ways to bring the need to light through bulletin inserts, pleas from the pulpit, bulletin boards, flyers in the bathroom, etc., that’s just advertising. (Shout out to Kim Harris for that statement!) THE number one way to get the teachers you need is to ask personally. Otherwise, people assume that they’re not capable, not called, or not needed. They\’re waiting for you to ask! Invite them to join your exciting team of leaders that get to impact a child’s life forever! Let them know that you don\’t accept just anybody. You\’re asking them for a reason! You know they love kids; they\’d be a great example; they\’re energetic; they\’re ___________! (You fill in the blank!) Be picky and make sure they know it. Make them feel blessed just knowing you believe they\’re worthy to teach!
And, you don’t have to do it all yourself. Put together a team and break the task into smaller chunks. The whole pyramid idea works in this case. You ask two people, then they ask two people and so on and so on and so on. A great part of sharing the blessing of enlistment is that you have a larger pool of people to ask!
Remember to think outside the box:
- Senior adults (missing their grandchildren!)
- Empty nesters
- College students
- Men
- VBS leaders
- And, outside your circle of friends!
So, pray about it. Ask God specifically for the people you need. Go and find those people — take them to coffee, maybe even lunch! Then…ASK!
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