F.A.T. It’s an easy acronym to remember, and it usually brings a negative connotation. But today, I want you to start searching for F.A.T. kids ministry volunteers.
Faithful. Obviously, you need workers who are faithful to The Lord. On top of this, you need to see commitment in other areas of their lives. Can you trust that they will take time to prepare the lesson? You need faithful stewards leading the kids of your community.
Available. From crazy work schedules to family matters to television season premiers we just can\’t miss (Fall season openers, y\’all), we find ways to tie up every minute of the 1,440 we get per day. Your ministry leaders must be available physically and mentally. Find volunteers who are available to block out times in their schedules to serve wholeheartedly.
Teachable. In each year of leading, I’ve learned 20 times more than I’ve taught. These lessons come from the pastors over me, the co-leaders, and the kids or students I\’m teaching. If your leaders aren\’t teachable, chances are there’s a pride issue. Humility is a part of the teachable factor you’re seeking.
Besides keeping an eye out for these qualities in others, it’s important to do a self-assessment. Would your friends say you’re faithful or flaky? Are you available when brothers and sisters in Christ need you? What have you learned from your surroundings today?
Here’s to hoping you find F.A.T. people within your church! Once you find them, consider making training easier with Ministry Grid.
What other qualities do you seek in your ministry leaders? Comment below!
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