This is a Bible Skills game kids love to play! It’s an excellent way to learn the books of the New Testament. You’ll also want to check out these other fun games: “Don’t Break the New Testament Ice” and “Minor Prophet Mini Muffin Scramble.”
The New Testament Pyramid
Gather and Prepare:
- 27 plastic disposable drinking cups (two sets in different colors)
- Permanent Marker
- Print on separate drinking cups the books of the New Testament (two sets)
- Allow individuals or teams to build the New Testament Pyramid by finding Matthew and lining up the cups through 1 Corinthians. Place 2 Corinthians on the second level between Matthew and mark. Continue stacking the New Testament Pyramid topping the pyramid with the “New Testament” cup.
- Allow two individuals or teams to complete the pyramid first and accurately.
- Play as many times as time allows. The kids won’t get tired of playing!
Since 2003 Bill Emeott has served as a Kids Ministry Specialist for Lifeway. His passions include childhood ministry leadership training and development, leading children’s Bible Study, and being an Uncle! Bill has been teaching children at First Baptist Nashville for ten years.
Janice Spitzer
Bill, we’re on same wavelength. I just bought 2 sets of plastic cups at $ Tree one for OT one for NT. Game we’ll do will just put in order with cups inside each other. Had a field day buying things at $ Store for bunch of Bible games for 3rd grade SS. Tons of ideas online! Janice, FBC Joelton TN