For many of us VBS leaders it’s time for a change in the way we think about the purpose and expectations of VBS — especially those of us who have been in leadership for a while. Each January we get the opportunity for a do over. We have the opportunity for a fresh start. It’s time rethink not only what happens during the week of VBS, but especially what happens in the weeks following.
Before we get much further into the VBS 2014 year I invite you to join me as I resolve to do seven things:
1. To change the way I perceive VBS as THE event, to VBS being the prelude to the real event — Continued Connections (follow-up). For many churches VBS continues to be the best way to identify and begin relationships with unchurched families. However, when we think of the week of VBS as both the beginning and the end of an event we tend to allow the relationship to end with the last session.
2. To enlist a Continued Connections leader/director to help create and lead the process of building on relationships initiated during VBS and moving families into the life of the church.
3. To become more intentional in preparing for, inviting, and welcoming unchurched families through VBS.
4. To make sure every worker understands the evangelistic potential of VBS and has been trained to lead someone into a relationship with Jesus Christ.
5. To stress the importance of training by taking my workers to the nearest associational or state VBS training event or VBS 2014 Preview. Statistics reveal a correlation between the number of VBS workers trained and the number of professions of faith. Some areas of the country report 1.1 professions of faith for every one person who attends training.
6. To ensure every member of the congregation not only knows when VBS is being held but why VBS is being held, and the part each person plays in making continued connections.
7. To reproduce myself by making VBS a team effort and by delegating as many responsibilities as possible.
Consider attending a VBS 2014 Preview event. Find one near you!
Have you seen VBS 2014 Starter Kits, Decorations and Music & Worship?
Jerry Wooley is the VBS GUY! He serves as the Vacation Bible School Specialist for Lifeway. Don’t expect to talk with Jerry for too long without him asking you about VBS. Jerry loves the local church and serves in various roles (including VBS teacher extraordinaire) at Inglewood Baptist Church.
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