There is nothing in the world more fulfilling than using your gifts and passions to serve the Lord. But there are probably many people in your church with gifts and passions who may not be sure how to use them to serve God.
Many times, if an adult doesn’t feel like they can successfully teach a Sunday School class or lead Arts and Crafts at VBS, they don’t think they are suited to serve in children’s ministry at all. Yet, wouldn’t you love to see an influx of volunteers who can’t wait to get involved and develop discipleship relationships with the kids in your church?
Here’s a way to make that happen whether you are using VBS, Zip for Kids, writing your own curriculum, or just flying by the seat of your pants.
First, get out a sheet of paper. Write down the first 10 people in your church that you think of who are gifted at specific things. Maybe they’re great at coaching, art, dance, singing, or crocheting. Now, go back through that list and write down one way that they could use that skill to connect with kids. See how easy that was?
Now consider talking with those folks about ways that they could use what they are passionate about to serve. You can ask these leaders to teach the skills that they already have to kids in a non-threatening environment, for both the teacher and the kid. They can share applicable Scripture while on a soccer field or in an art studio, where they feel most at home.
Zip for Kids is a fun way to make that happen. It’s a new customizable event that can be used as a day camp, overnight camp, Mom’s Day Out, Wednesday nights, or any other event that you can imagine! They can share applicable Scripture while on a soccer field or in an art studio, where they feel most at home.
Here are a few ways to equip these new volunteers in your kids ministry:
1. Train these leaders in how to communicate with kids. Offer ways to share the Gospel in kid-friendly language. It can be tougher than you think. Practice doing it.
2. Role play with these new leaders about questions kids may ask about faith or the activity and practice answering on their level.
3. Give these adults questions to ask kids that will help build relationships like:
- Tell me about your family?
- What is your favorite thing about your life?
- What is the hardest thing for you about your life?
4. Let leaders know that kids mainly want you to love on them and are not concerned if you don’t always know the answer. Be available for leaders when they need help.
There are many other ways to enlist and prepare volunteers who may have never worked with kids before. Check out Zip for Kids Essentials to see more training help and to get everything you need to prepare for a great event that utilizes the gifts of those in your church. What are some tips that you would add to train new leaders?
Mary Wiley serves as a Content Editor for VBS, Zip for Kids, and Discipleship in Context. Mary teaches kids and helps her husband, John, with youth ministry at Restoration Church. She is passionate about discipleship in the home, ministry to kids through creative arts, and coffee.
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