If you know kids at all, you know that the average kid can memorize just about anything!
Toddlers learn their ABC’s, numbers, shapes, and a variety of silly songs. I even knew a two-year-old who could recite the names of the presidential cabinet! Preschoolers can take it even farther and read sight words, say the pledge, and sing longer sillier songs! Grade schoolers memorize the Gettysburg address, their multiplication tables, and plenty of lyrics from the radio.
So, for the average kid — scripture memory should be no sweat! For the most part, however, kids do not know much scripture. We as parents and KidMin leaders have to help them. Here are seven reasons why Kids HAVE to know scripture:
1. To Know Christ.
Help kids develop a relationship with Jesus by leading them to the verses that tell them the truth. Start with John 3:16 or Romans 6:23.
2. To Fight Sin.
Most of us know that as we get older, the choices of life present themselves and temptation faces us at every turn. Help kids hide God’s Word in their hearts, so that they might not sin against (Him) (Psalm 119:11).
3. To Glorify God.
Help kids understand that they were put on this earth to glorify God in all they do. That means fellowship with Him in prayer and obedience to Him in action. Scripture can help them give glory to God in all they do (Psalm 86:12).
4. To Feel Safe.
Kids struggle with fear often. The Bible is full of verses that remind them that God is close and to not be afraid (Philippians 4:6).
5. To Know they are Loved.
The Bible is God’s love letter to us. Help Kids understand that God loves them so much that there is nothing that can separate them from His love through Jesus (Romans 8:38-39).
6. To Love Others.
God uses children to show His love. If a child understands that they are to love God with all their hearts and their neighbor as themselves, what a vessel they can be to shine His light throughout the world (Luke 10:27).
7. To Persevere.
Kids need to know that there will be hard times that they go through in life. The Bible teaches us to press on in the faith, run the race and persevere (Hebrews 12:1-2).
Our kids need spiritual ammo to get through their lives. The Bible, our sword of the spirit, is what we MUST give them. Scripture memory might sound optional, but indeed it is essential to run the race — no matter how old you are!
Great. Need more short but touching info. Teach our children Gods word