Why did Jesus come? He tells us in Luke 19:10. It’s pretty clear. Jesus came to seek and save the lost.
If we are his representatives here on Earth, then our purpose is to help Him fulfill that goal. He commissions us in Matthew 28:16-20 to do just that.
Is your purpose for VBS clear? Check out a brief history of VBS: About Lifeway Vacation Bible School.
I was a lost kid. I didn\’t give my life to Christ until I was 17. Were churches seeking me out? Did churches really want to be used by God to save me? I walked across the lawns of three or four churches almost every day. I\’m pretty sure that they did VBS. I rarely felt invited.
They were probably great in-reach events for those churches. There is definitely a value in that. Building community is important.
However, as the season of VBS approaches, don\’t forget THE purpose. Don’t forget that there are lost, un-churched kids walking across your property almost every day. Sure, they are usually a handful. Sure, their parents might even use the different VBSs in your community as childcare. But those kids still need the hope that only Christ can give. Don’t punish kids because of bad parents.
Go and SEEK them out. INVITE them in. CHANGE their hearts and lives forever. Be Jesus to them.
Jeffrey Reed serves as the Director of Kids Ministry for Lifeway. He came to Lifeway with a wide variety of ministry experiences including worship leader, director of children’s ministry, and executive leadership in several growing congregations. Jeffrey’s posts will give your heart and brain a workout, just like the fitness Boot Camp he leads in the mornings for Lifeway employees. Jeffrey and his wife Katherine have four kids.
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