Here are things new Kids Ministers — and those in ministry for years — shouldn\’t do.
1. Don’t expect everyone to immediately be on your team.
Gaining respect and loyalty takes time. Concentrate on making deposits in your integrity bank so that when you need to make withdrawals, your leaders will follow you.
2. Don’t make too many changes too quickly.
Change can be good. Change can be bad. Remember that change is difficult for most folks and always goes better when they understand why and how the change is going to benefit them.
3. Don’t operate with a top down philosophy.
No one likes a leader who lords over them to make sure they know who is boss. Turn the pyramid of leading up side down. Serve your leaders from the bottom of the pyramid and love them to where they need to be.
4. Don’t get your eyes on people and take your eyes off Jesus.
Christian leaders always lose their focus when they take their eyes off of Jesus. People will let you down from time to time.
5. Don’t guilt leaders into changing or serving.
Affirm leaders and potential leaders by affirming them. Tell them what they do well and why they are excellent with kids.
6. Don’t get discouraged.
Burnout can come easily in ministry. When kids become a burden and cease to be a blessing, you know you need to go to the Lord for encouragement and affirmation of your calling.
7. Don’t use the word don\’t.
Learn to redirect leaders in a positive manner. State what might work better rather than just criticize what they are doing wrong and telling them don\’t.
Jerry Vogel serves as a Childhood Ministry Specialist in Lifeway Church Resources. He is married to Janie and has four children and twelve grand kids. Jerry is a member of Brentwood Baptist Church and teaches preschoolers there. He is committed to enriching the lives of those who teach kids as well as making eternal investments in the lives of children.
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