What’s kids ministry? It’s simple, really. It’s ministering to kids. And when we find a church using our products in a creative way to minister to its attendees, we get so excited! We recently caught up with First Baptist Church of Navarre, FL to see how they’ve chosen to impact their ministry with the Bible Studies for Life: Kids Visual Pack. Check out our conversation with Pastor John from FBC Navarre:
Kids Ministry 101: John, can you explain what your church decided to do with your Bible Studies for Life Visual pack?
Pastor John McInnis: We decided to order two visual packs and display all of the pictures for the entire quarter at one time – one set of pictures in the children’s hallway and one set in the preschool hallway. All of the pictures are framed with vinyl strips to create a finished look and present an “art gallery” effect in our Bible study area of the church.
Kids Ministry 101: What made you consider doing this?
Pastor John McInnis: The purpose was to create a visual focus for what the entire church was studying – Bible Studies for Life from birth to senior adults classes. Once the decision was made to move the Sunday School to a unified curriculum, the pictures became a reference point for the entire church to view the past, present and future study themes for each quarter.
Kids Ministry 101: How have church members responded to the posters?
Pastor John McInnis: Our members love the art. Many adults comment on the vivid quality of the pictures and the kids love to look at the people they have been studying. It has improved the Bible learning environment and has decorated the walls with beautiful artwork.
Kids Ministry 101: What do you love most about Bible Studies for Life?
Pastor John McInnis: Bible Studies For Life provides a unified curriculum for all ages (birth-adults). It is Bible-centered while focusing on real-life issues. Having the Sunday School on the same curriculum helps us to coordinate and administer our Sunday School leadership planning and training process which we do each week (i.e. we call our weekly workers meeting “L3” which stands for Life Leadership Lab).
Cristy Whitlock serves with the Lifeway Kids Marketing Team. A native Texan, her heart for ministry led her to Nashville in 2013. Her passions include loving on African children, playing sports, and serving in college ministry, which she does at Cross Point Church in Nashville, TN.
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