I love Father’s Day. It’s always a fun day in my house since I have four loving little boys. I have an amazing dad and I’m thankful that God blessed me with such a caring father.
It’s always great to have a Father’s Day craft for kids and this year, we’ve created three cards that you can download and let your kids color for their dads.
1. There’s Something I “mustache” You!
To add a little more interest to this card, I took a piece of bow-tie macaroni and painted it and added to the front. I really like the result, but if you are pressed for time and don’t have time to make fresh bow-tie macaroni (or run to the grocery store which is what I did!) it’s perfectly fine without it.
2. 100 Grand
Purchase some mini 100 Grand candy bars and give one to each kid. Simply have them color their cards and then tape the 100 Grand candy bar where noted on the printout. Dads will love this sweet-treat of a Father’s Day card.
3. A Good Father
This card is super simple. Just print, fold, and let your kiddos color. Dad will love the artwork of his kids!
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