Each week during the Preschool Bible study experience, there is usually a Bible verse to be learned. Since you will have both early readers and non-readers in your group, be sure to include elements in the learning process that will help the non-readers feel successful. Consider this approach:
- Count the number of words in the verse to be learned including the Scripture reference as a word.
- Secure the same number of different colored 9×12 sheets of construction paper to match the number of words.
- Write one of the words of the verse on each sheet of construction paper including the Scripture reference on one.
- Hide the sheets of construction paper around the room with part of the “color” of the page showing.
- When you want to review the verse, choose individual preschoolers to find the “red,” “blue,” “green,” sheets of paper (however many colors of pages that are needed) using clues to help the child find the page with one of the words of the day’s Bible verse.
- When all of the sheets have been found, lay out the verse on the floor, placing the words in order.
- Help the preschoolers say the verse with you several times — once slowly, once quickly, once whispering, once shouting.
- Added fun: laminate the pages and tape them to the floor when found. Let the preschoolers jump from one word to another saying the words of the verse each time one is landed on.
Jerry Vogel serves as a Childhood Ministry Specialist in Lifeway Church Resources. He is married to Janie and has four children and twelve grand kids. Jerry is a member of Brentwood Baptist Church and teaches preschoolers there. He is committed to enriching the lives of those who teach kids as well as making eternal investments in the lives of children.
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