Is it possible to stab a potato or other hard vegetable with a straw and not only pierce the veggie, but actually force the straw all the way through it? Yes! You can amaze the kids in your class with this fun science experiment and relate it to the story of Daniel choosing good food. Download a teaching picture and Bible story summary here.
· Before the Activity:
o Can you think of any stories in the Bible that use vegetables?
o Do you like vegetables more than candy?
o Today kids will learn a story about how vegetables and faith in God made a young boy strong.
o Potato (raw) and other vegetables
o Firm straws
o Hold the potato in one hand. Hold a straw in another hand without covering either end of the straw. Stab the potato. The straw should be able to pierce the skin but not fully go through the potato.
o Now, hold the potato in one hand. Hold the straw in the other hand using your thumb to cover up one end of the straw. Stab the potato. The straw should go through the potato.
o Covering the straw keeps air on the inside of the straw and prevents it from coming out when the end of the straw hits the potato. This makes the straw strong enough to push through the potato.
· Bible Story Connection:
o Daniel Chose Good Food (Daniel 1:1-20)
o Connection Point: Daniel chose to eat vegetables instead of other food the king’s palace was offering. This made Daniel and his friends stronger at the end of the test period.
· After the Story/Activity:
o Was the straw strong enough to break through the potato at first?
o What made the straw stronger?
o Who in the story would have been like the weak straw?
o Who in the story would have been like the strong straw?
o Was the straw actually stronger or did it have help?
o Who helped Daniel be strong?
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