So you’re about to wrap up your three-year journey through the Bible using The Gospel Project® for Kids and are wondering if you should roll into the new three-year cycle or not. Here are five reasons to go back to the beginning and start on another three-year journey through the Bible using The Gospel Project:
- Repetition aids in learning. That is why athletes and musicians practice over and over again. You cannot pick up a golf club or violin and master it in an afternoon. It takes hours, weeks, and years of repetition. It’s the same way for the Bible. It takes reading and studying stories many times to fully understand them.
- Your kids are now at different developmental stages. Let’s say that you have a third grader who was a kindergartener when she began the first journey through the Bible. That means she learned about creation and covenants when she was still learning how to read. Studying them again now as a 3rd grader will be a completely different experience for her.
- There are new stories to learn. While many of the same stories will be covered in the new three-year plan, many others will be brand new—especially when we get to the New Testament letters. But even the stories that we covered the first time will include all new activities, videos, and music making them fresh for the kids and your leaders.
- The Gospel Project is better than ever. The new Babies and Toddlers leader guide will get your smallest ones learning, and the new-look preschool videos will really help preschoolers connect with the Bible stories and songs. Family discussion and activity ideas on the activity pages, a new missions emphasis in the worship hour, and so many other improvements should help you point your kids to Christ even better than you did the first time.
- The Gospel transforms. I saved the best reason for last. Rolling into the new three-year cycle of The Gospel Project means that your kids once again will hear the gospel message every week for the next three years. And that is precisely what they need to hear. The gospel is what saves and transforms. There is no better way that you can equip your kids for a lifetime of following Jesus than to implant the gospel deep, deep within their hearts.
Brian Dembowczyk is the team leader for The Gospel Project for Kids. He served in local church ministry before coming to Lifeway in 2014. He and his wife, Tara, and their three children live in Murfreesboro, TN, where Brian enjoys drinking coffee and teaching 1st-3rd graders at City Church.
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