by Lana Sydenstricker
Let’s face it – what ministry leader couldn\’t use an extra hand? Whether you’re able to recruit an intern for eight weeks of summer, a fall semester, or an entire year, there are tons of benefits to investing in young people passionate about your mission. Interns gain experience so they can one day become leaders in the church, but they also need guidance, encouragement, and mentoring along the way. Here are some ways that you can help your intern be the best that they can be:
1. Prepare for them
Take the time to lay out a foundation for the intern before they arrive. Once your intern arrives, set clear expectations and plan meetings with them every few weeks to discuss their performance.
2. Figure out their strengths and give them tasks accordingly, then let them fly
Interns like to feel like they are being helpful, so give them tasks that they can flourish at on their own. It’s essential to give ownership over projects in order to challenge and provide opportunities to grow in confidence.
3. Encourage them
It is important for your intern to hear what they are doing right. Encourage them and make sure they know they have potential that the church wants to use for God’s glory and kingdom advancement.
4. Engage in their lives
Ask how they are doing and build a personal relationship with your intern. Talk to them about prayer needs and create a relationship in which they are comfortable. This will open doors for easier communication should a conflict arise during the course of the internship.
At the end of the day, your interns can greatly impact the kids in your ministry, free up your busy schedule, and gain experience in the field of ministry. I hope you\’ll prayerfully consider adding an intern to your team when the season is right.
Lana Sydenstricker serves as a Lifeway Kids Social Media and Marketing intern. A native Ohioan, she moved to Nashville in 2013 to pursue a degree in PR from Lipscomb University, where she participates in athletics and missions.
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