Effective KidMin leaders is the key to a dynamic, culture-shaping ministry. As we all know, the foundation of that ministry is built upon meaningful relationships. So, our effectiveness begins to break down when there is a weak link in our staff of volunteers. Then, the question becomes “How do we deal with a weak link in our staff of leaders?”
If you’ve been in kids ministry very long, this challenge has probably arisen. How do we salvage that “ineffective leader?” Let’s begin by asking ourselves some simple questions:
- Is the leader’s attitude that of Christ? Is yours?
- Is any child’s safety at risk?
- Is quality Bible-teaching taking place?
Rather than making a hasty decision in the midst of difficulty, consider traveling down one or more of these avenues:
- Pray, pray, pray for the ineffective leader … by name. Ask how you can pray for him/her.
- Pray, pray, pray for yourself that God would give you wisdom. Ask God to help you see the leader through His eyes.
- Evaluate your own leadership … have you taken opportunities to love on and encourage the ineffective leader?
- Have you communicated clearly and often your/and your church’s expectations of KidMin leaders?
- Have you tried to find an alternate place of leadership for this person to help him/her “save face” and to feel valued.
God wants you and your leaders to be successful. He WILL give you wisdom if you ask (James 1:5) and He WILL give you patience as you deal with an ineffective leader. Where would you be if God had not given you a “second chance?”
Jerry Vogel serves as an Editorial Ministry Specialist with Lifeway Kids. He is married to Janie and has four children and thirteen grand kids. Jerry is committed to enriching the lives of those who teach kids as well as making eternal investments in the lives of children.
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