My wife prays for our children every day at 11:11. It’s a habit she has developed as a reminder to pray for our kids. A while back, as I was putting gas in my car I had to push a button marked Pay at the Pump. It made me smile because in my head I changed the word Pay to Pray. Pray at the Pump. So I did. Praying at the pump has become a regular habit for me, and I want to challenge you to try it too.
It takes discipline to set aside dedicated prayer time each week, but we always have to stop for gas. Use that specific time to pray specifically for the kids and leaders involved in your ministry. As you fill your tank, pray that God will fill them with His Spirit; that they would overflow with His peace, love, and joy; and that you will be able to pump God’s Word into their hearts and minds. The bigger your car, the more time you\’ll have to pray.
Try it today! The very next time you pay at the pump remember to pray at the pump. Once you’ve done it a few times you’ll find that praying at the pump becomes a habit that you’ll look forward to and do automatically. Using simple triggers in your daily routine as triggers to pray is a great way to remind yourself to lift your ministry before the Lord.
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