Many look forward to the month of December. However, many in kids’ ministry see December as a non-stop stressful month. Parties, special events, Christmas programs, and childcare for each of these events are added to your lengthy list of weekly responsibilities. It’s easy to become overwhelmed and take our eyes off the eternal goal. Here are four reminders to make your December less stressful:
Keep your focus on Christ: With all the responsibilities, it’s easy to lose focus on Christ during the Holiday season. Be intentional to spend extra time growing in your relationship with Him. You may select an advent calendar to use during your devotional time this month.
Take care of you: Only you can take care of you. Establish healthy boundaries to protect your time. Learn to say no. Maybe you don’t need to go to as many socials or parties during the month of December. Spend time with your family, whether you’re married or single.
Plan Ahead: Get organized and plan ahead. Each December teachers are unable to teach because of sickness or travel plans. Secure volunteers weeks ahead of time to serve on a specified Sunday. College students in town for the holidays are a great resource for additional teachers. Ensure each volunteer has an updated background check and has completed volunteer training. Identify other “unexpected tasks” in your ministry and make a plan, expecting the unexpected.
Delegate: Identify responsibilities to delegate to others. Make a list of your responsibilities. Then, make a mark next to the tasks only you can do. Enlist and equip others to carry unmarked tasks on the list. Identify people you can ask to complete the tasks. Recruit church members who are currently not serving in the kids ministry. They may not be able to teach consistently on Sunday mornings, but can help during a special event, decorate, gather supplies, or help in some other way. Utilize their time and talents in your ministry.
This December, which principles will you plan to implement? Would you add any additional ideas to this list? During this season, be intentional in making December less stressful.
Delanee Williams serves as a Ministry Specialist with Lifeway Kids. She is a graduate of Baylor University and Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. Delanee has served in kids ministry for over twenty years and is passionate about developing, equipping and encouraging leaders.
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