What’s in a name? A whole lot! Think of how much parents tend to spend time picking a name for their child. They want options, and they try to find just the right fit for how they imagine their little one will be!
In the same way, you are particular about the name for your children’s ministry and activities at church. You want those names to communicate to the families in your church about the end result—that you are making children who are growing followers of Christ.
We have thought a lot about children’s discipleship and have recently re-launched our brand: TeamKID. TeamKID communicates a lot in and of itself. Each week there is a team theme, complete with coaches and lots of fun activities.
But what kind of team? That is hidden right in our name. KID stands for Kids in Discipleship! We want to be a midweek, Sunday night, or summer fun offering for your church that takes the kids deeper in their knowledge of and relationship with Jesus.
And this year, we want to Go Vertical! What do you think of when you hear that someone “went vertical”? You can hear announcers and fans talk about athletes going vertical to indicate they jumped their highest while making a tremendous play, whether a volleyball player blocking a shot, a basketball player’s amazing slam dunk, or a football player making a remarkable leap in catching the ball.
We love the name Going Vertical for the next TeamKID as a sports connection but also to imply the importance of growing closer to God (so a vertical connection with God) through studying His Word and in fellowship with others.
This year’s theme is a kid-friendly study of the Bible itself. Kids today are growing up in a culture where the Bible isn’t revered as a holy book, where they’re made fun of for believing truths that go against the grain of popular thought. Going Vertical will help kids understand the makeup and message of the Bible and why it’s important.
We hope that you will join us for this journey deeper in His Word and going vertical in our relationship with God!
William Summey is the Publishing Team Leader for ParentLife, kids devotionals, and short-term products. He is a graduate of Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary and Vanderbilt University. William lives in Nashville, Tennessee, with his wife, Christy, and two boys.