The last time we talked about Bible skills (Bible Skills that Matter Part 1) we looked at some beginning foundational skills that can help boys and girls be successful as they navigate Scripture. Some of those early foundational skills included recognizing the two main parts of the Bible, the Old Testament and the New Testament; and working to recognize the elements of a Bible reference. With these two skills solidly in place we can begin to challenge boys and girls in further ways to help them build on those skills and become more biblically literate.
Bible Skills Upon Foundations
Once boys and girls have a basic understanding of the design of the Bible and know the Old Testament tells about things that happened before Jesus was born, and the New Testament tells about things that happened when Jesus lived on the earth and after, they can begin to learn more about how Scripture is grouped.
Boys and girls can hear the names of Bible divisions and begin to learn about the contents of different divisions of the Bible. The Old Testament has five divisions, Law, History, Poetry and Wisdom, Major Prophets, and Minor Prophets. Each type of literature is used to help people learn about God’s Word in different ways and each is important to an overall knowledge of Scripture. To help boys and girls master this knowledge you can use clip type clothespins with a division name written on it. Each pin can be clipped to a notecard with the name Old Testament written on it. Do the same with the New Testament and its five divisions, Gospels, History, Paul’s Letters, General Letters, and Prophecy. Mix up the sets and let boys and girls decide which division name belongs on each card.
As kids begin to master their knowledge of the different divisions of Scripture you can begin to help them name some of the books that fall into each division. With the naming of books, you can also guide girls and boys to know major stories found in each of the books. As children begin to learn where stories are found in the Bible, they will better be able to identify how that story fits into the grand narrative of Scripture.
As we continue our exploration into Bible skills that matter I hope you will join us again next time as we continue to build on the important foundations we have laid.
Tim Pollard teaches 3rd graders at Tulip Grove Baptist Church. He’s passionate about helping kids dig deep into Scripture, which he pursues through his daily work as leader of the Explore the Bible: Kids team. Tim lives with his wife and daughters in Mount Juliet, TN.