Meet my friend, Dr. Shelly Melia!
Dr. Melia is the Program Director for the Master of Arts in Children’s Ministry and the Master of Arts in Family Ministry at Dallas Baptist University. Prior to serving at DBU, Shelly served in full-time children’s ministry for over 25 years. She is also a Licensed Professional Counselor specializing in grief and resilience.
We are very excited that Dr. Melia will be joining our faculty again this year for ETCH 2018. Shelly will be leading these important sessions:
Generation Z: Who are they and how are they different from me?
This break-out will give an overview of the rising generation in our churches: Generation Z. Ministry myths and implications will be discussed in order to best position the church for reaching Gen Z.
Understanding Children and Salvation:
This conference will provide foundational information related to understanding children and salvation. Participants will learn key principles in sharing the gospel with children. In addition, follow-up methods for lifelong discipleship will be outlined.
Trendy or Transformational?
It is easy to get overwhelmed with all the new trends in children’s ministry. How do you know whether a method or curriculum is just trendy or truly transformational? This conference will emphasize three key essentials to creating a transformational children’s ministry.
Don’t miss your opportunity to hear Dr. Shelly Melia and many other great breakout presentations. Check out and register HERE.